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Concert: DJ2D2 + Jack Dafons

16 July, 2022 @ 23:30

DJ2D2 has proven himself over almost two decades as a competent selector in a large number of genres and is used to all kinds of spaces. His specialty is urban trends: a germinated seed of hip hop that allows him to be eclectic not only with intention, but with deeds. It is difficult to find another DJ in the city with his experience, his prestige and without a record production to support him.

Jack Dafons aka. Trent Lane. Dj with a friendly style on decks, open to the different branches of pop and with a predilection for big beat, dembow and electronic spaghetti and bubblegum. He is a resident DJ, every Wednesday at El Sucio del Dirty de Razzmatazz, on Thursdays at the Sweat club in the Sidecar room in Barcelona and on weekends at the Zoco sessions in the Salamandra room in Hospitalet del Llobregat.


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16 July, 2022
Lloc web:


Sala Razzmatazz
933 20 82 00
Visualitza el lloc web de Organitzador


Sala Razzmatazz
C/ dels Almogàvers, 122
Barcelona, Barcelona 08018 Espanya
+ Mapa de Google
933 20 82 00
Visualitza el lloc web de Recinte