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Exhibition: Let’s go through the mirror now!

4 May, 2022

L’Obrador de Filosofia is a space for reflection and creation open to the interaction of various performing arts disciplines from a philosophical perspective, looking at contemporary thought, the contradictions of everyday life, the dramaturges of today and the search for new spaces for interdisciplinary dialogue.

This exhibition is part of the cycle Máquina Persona. Artificial Intelligence and Creation, which aims to nurture reflections on Artificial Intelligence, based on philosophical and artistic assumptions in hybrid creation processes.


Sala Beckett
932 84 53 12
Visualitza el lloc web de Organitzador


Sala Beckett
C. de Pere IV, 228, 232
Barcelona, Barcelona 08005
+ Mapa de Google
932 84 53 12
Visualitza el lloc web de Recinte